
You've stumbled upon the page where i keep my most prized possessions. My thoughts, do be mindful that they are my own thoughts and opinions and if you dont like what i think or feel you can simply find another blog to read. Be open mided and respectful, thanks! xoxo

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Body language

School starts soon! Im excited! No more fuckin up! My heads on right and im ready to move on to the next thing so ive gotta get through this first! I need a healthy diet now though. Im back dancing an although im what most consider slim i need to lose weight or atleast tone up, ya know? Ill post a pic of my size now an after a hard few months of dieting and workin out ill post my AFTER pic. Wish me luck!! I wish i had more to say...nothin really has been going on in my life. I havent been out to do much! I do want to leave you all with poetry to show my feelings about my body. Tootles! May everyone have a greeeaaaat week! hugs an kisses! Love you all!

I like it when I lie on my back
I start by running my hand
Over the stomach I lack
That will reappear when I stand

I enjoy seeing my pelvis protrude
And the defined xylophone stack
Of my ribs under skin when I'm nude
But only when I Iie on my back

When I lie on my back it is bliss
I do not see myself in full
Why cannot I always be this
Thin, flawless and beautiful?
by: unknown