
You've stumbled upon the page where i keep my most prized possessions. My thoughts, do be mindful that they are my own thoughts and opinions and if you dont like what i think or feel you can simply find another blog to read. Be open mided and respectful, thanks! xoxo

Friday, December 11, 2009

Dear Santa....

Lately I havent had much of an appetite. I love it!
The guy that i spoke of in the last post, its over, his girl started stalking me an it was way too stressful an i had to tell them both off. Now I'm feeling two other guys. Geez...i wish it could all be easier...
Christmas is coming an im terribly sad that i dont have enough money to give my little angel off the angel tree a bright christmas...i dont even have enough to give my siblings anything. I might have to go back to doing things that im not too proud of to make money but only for the holidays of course....nothin ILLEGAL! I do want to ask Santa for one thing this christmas...to be skinny. Im detremined more than anything to lose weight...after seeing all the pics from Nutcracker i felt i look absolutely disguisting....ill post a pic but its gross.....I NEED to lose this weight. I want people to ask "hey have you lost weight" i would love to hear "Do you eat? Youre getting too thin" but i know thatll take some time......I want to fall in love an find someone to truly love me but i need to love myself before i can begin to expect someone else to love me so that is my christmas wish.......Happy Holidays everyone! Talk to you all soon!! :)